Lucy Ffrench

Associate Solicitor

Lucy Ffrench is a highly experienced solicitor-advocate.  She achieves outstanding results due to her approach, which is combative, painstaking and proactive.  Clients say that they value her dedication and loyalty.

Over her 25 years in criminal defence she has conducted cases as a litigator across the whole range of offences;  and she has conducted  a wide range of cases as an advocate as well, appearing in the Crown Court and the Court of Appeal.  She has held Higher Rights of Audience since 2009.

Lucy runs the Oxford Office of ITN and is available day and night to assist you.  As well as having represented clients in relation to the full range of criminal offences over her long career, she has experience in protest law.

Prominent Cases

As Advocate:

DJ(2019):  Appeal against sentence to the Court of Criminal Appeal.  Argument raised that ‘grooming’ could not be said to be present, considering the circumstances in which appellant and complainant had first got in contact.  Court of Appeal described Lucy’s written and oral submissions as ‘impressive and well-argued’.

TG (2022):  Youth Court trial.  Defence under s45 Modern Slavery Act 2015 raised in relation to possession of a bladed article, in circumstances in which defendant was being exploited.  Legal arguments as to admission of NRM decision and expert report commissioned from an expert in modern slavery.  Client acquitted.

NP (2019):  Crown Court case. Allegation of sexual communication with a child.  Abuse of process argument drafted and served, relating to the behaviour of a vigilante group towards defendant after they had confronted him.  Prosecution discontinued by CPS on receipt of the written argument.

XX (2014):  Crown Court case.  Successful application to dismiss.  Prosecution relied on the statement of an officer identifying defendant as suspect in an armed robbery; but in the Unused Material was a statement from a different officer identifying another person entirely.  Case dismissed following written and oral argument.

ZM (2024):  Magistrates’ Court case.  Careful consideration of extensive body-worn footage showed that statements officers had made (regarding being 100% confident of the driver’s identity) were undermined by their comments at the scene (comments discussing the need to have steering wheel forensicated, etc).   Representations made and case discontinued just before trial.

As Litigator:

AB (2024):  allegation that defendant ran a Class A drugs line, by himself, from a house belonging to and lived in by another.  Careful consideration of all material served, and repeated disclosure requests and s8 applications made as to missing and withheld material which suggested the presence of police informant.  Defendant acquitted of all counts at trial.

AFS (2024):  allegation of causing or allowing serious injury to a newborn child.  Extensive service of medical reports and material from family proceedings, running contemporaneously.  Prosecution discontinued following careful consideration of all material and detailed and persuasive representations to the CPS.

'Impressive and well-argued submissions' - Criminal Division of the Court of Appeal

'I honestly appreciate the way you represented me in the court. How much competence, professionalism, non-judgmentalism, engagement you have shown. Furthermore, I appreciate your overall attitude as well.' - Client testimonial

'I’m very lucky – you did an amazing job' - Client testimonial


'You were a great help – thank you' - Client testimonial

'Thank you so much for all of your great efforts, you have made a huge positive difference in my world…(You) reassured me on so many levels' - Client testimonial

'You help people – and you helped save our son' - Client testimonial

'I know it has been a while since it all happened, I just wanted to say thank you so much Lucy for everything you did for me during that difficult period and even though I may have been a headache (probably was) you still continue with me to the end and thank God the outcome was what it was' - Client testimonial
